Sydney Grammar School is constantly looking for boys with a love of learning, a curiosity about the world and a passion to get involved in sport, music, drama, art, debating, chess, Cadets and more.
It runs one of the largest means-tested scholarship programs in Australia, and also offers fee-assisted places to boys whose parents would otherwise be unable to afford the fees.
The school has some important dates coming up:
- Closing date for applications for Entrance Assessments for entry to Form I (Year 7) in 2020 – Thursday 25 April 2019
- Entrance Assessment for entry in Form I (Year 7) in 2020 – Wednesday 1 May 2019
- Entrance assessments for entry Forms II to V (Years 8 to 11) in 2020 – Tuesday 6 August 2019
Please click here for application forms and more information, or contact Virginia Cains at or 02 9332 5805.
If you would like to learn more about the school, please join Sydney Grammar School on its next Open Day, which will be held on Thursday 22 August 2019 at 12.30pm.
In addition, the school will be holding a Scholarships and Fee-Assisted Places Information Evening on Wednesday 13 November 2019. Please click here for more information.