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Harnessing the power of data to inspire growth and achievement

Kingswood College Principal Ms Chrissy Gamble explains how the school’s vision to embolden hearts and inspire minds guides everything it does, and data – or information, as she prefers to call it – plays a critical role.

By leveraging both formative and summative data, we strive to ensure that every student in our care is supported and challenged in their individual learning journey. In line with our core values of perseverance and excellence, we see data not as a static measure but as a tool for continuous growth and improvement.

Understanding the role of formative and summative data

The distinction between formative and summative data is essential for educators aiming to drive student progress. In broad terms, formative data refers to the ongoing assessments used during the learning process to provide immediate feedback and adjust teaching strategies accordingly. This might include classroom observations, quizzes, or student self-assessments—tools designed to foster continuous improvement.

Summative data, on the other hand, is typically gathered at the end of a unit of work and provides a cumulative snapshot of student learning. Examples include end-of-year exams, standardised tests, and final unit assessments. Both types of data play a crucial role in shaping teaching and learning practices at Kingswood College.

NAPLAN and standardised data: a valuable lens

One valuable source of summative data is standardised testing, with NAPLAN offering an important glimpse into student progress at Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. We believe that NAPLAN data provides a critical lens for viewing both individual student performance and school-wide trends. This data allows us to identify areas of strength as well as opportunities for targeted intervention.

While some may view standardised testing as limiting, we see NAPLAN as part of a holistic approach to assessment. It complements our use of formative data and offers insights that enable us to adjust programs and approaches, ensuring that every child is on track to demonstrate progress and growth.

The impact of data on learning outcomes

At Kingswood College, data-driven decision-making is key ingredient for how we improve student outcomes. By combining formative feedback with summative measures, we develop a nuanced understanding of each student’s learning needs. For instance, formative assessments in the classroom allow teachers to modify their lessons in real-time, providing more targeted support where necessary. At the same time, summative data, such as NAPLAN results, offers a long-term perspective on student progress.

Our commitment to this dual approach has led to significant progress in all learning areas for our Year 5, 7, and 9 students in 2024. Whether it’s through formative assessment data that informs daily instruction or summative assessments that guide broader curriculum adjustments, our use of data has strengthened our ability to ensure that students are progressing toward their academic goals.

Grounded in research: John Hattie and the Science of Learning

Our approach is also informed by educational research, particularly John Hattie’s meta-analysis on factors that impact student achievement. Hattie’s work highlights the importance of feedback, teacher-student relationships, and metacognitive strategies—all of which are central to our use of formative data. By providing timely feedback through our continuous reporting mechanisms and fostering reflective thinking, we enable students to take ownership of their learning.

In addition, our ongoing research into the Science of Learning ensures that our teaching methods are grounded in cognitive research. By understanding how students learn—how they acquire, retain, and apply knowledge—we’ve started to tailor our instructional approaches to enhance student outcomes across all learning areas. We are beginning to apply insights from the Science of Learning to ensure that we are meeting students where they are and helping them persevere through challenges, embodying our commitment to personal excellence.

A commitment to continuous improvement

At Kingswood College, we are committed to using both formative and summative data to guide our continuous growth as a community of learners. By aligning our teaching and learning strategies with evidence-based practices and two of our core values of perseverance and excellence, we continue to inspire students to achieve to the best of their ability. Through these efforts, we uphold our vision to embolden hearts and inspire minds, equipping every student with the skills, resilience, and knowledge they need to thrive.

Our significant progress in 2024, particularly in NAPLAN performance, reflects the success of these approaches. As we move forward, we remain dedicated to refining our practices, guided by data and research, to foster an environment where every student is inspired, challenged and cherished.

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