Hillcrest Christian College takes the ‘distance’ out of distance education with its Virtual Learning Community.
By combining personalised learning plans with one-on-one teacher interaction and daily coaching sessions, Hillcrest’s hybrid model ensures your child’s wellbeing and holistic development.
The Virtual Learning Community fosters critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills, essential for success in today’s world.
Additionally, Hillcrest’s hybrid model includes on-campus enrichment days at its Gold Coast campus, providing students with social interactions, hands-on learning, and personal growth opportunities.
“These days encourage connection, engagement in extracurricular activities, and exploration of interests, within a supportive environment,” the College said.
“To find out more, join us for a Virtual Parent Tour, and experience for yourself how the Virtual Learning Community offers this unique blend of academic achievement and personal growth.”
For more information about Hillcrest Christian College’s Virtual Learning, visit: www.Hillcrestvlc.school.